Axis Medical Canada

West / Ouest: 1 888 855-6558​     Ontario: 1 800 267-5597     East / Est1 877 388-1515

iCare Eidon SLO


iCare EIDON widefield TrueColor Confocal fundus imaging system

iCare EIDON is the first TrueColor Confocal system that combines the best features of Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (SLO) systems with those of standard fundus imaging to set new performance standards in retinal imaging. It’s the perfect retinal imaging system that provides TrueColor and widefield views in multiple imaging modalities. iCare EIDON provides unsurpassed image quality and a unique, live, confocal view of the retina in a dilation-free operation.

Offering the best of confocal technology, iCare EIDON guarantees increased image sharpness, better optical resolution, higher details and greater contrast that takes retinal diagnostics to the next level. This combined with its easy-to-use interface and patient-friendly features make the iCare EIDON a valuable and efficient tool in any clinical setting.

Key features

  • Multiple imaging modalities including TrueColor, blue, red, and Red-Free and infrared confocal images
  • Widefield, ultra-high-resolution imaging
  • Capability to image through cataract and media opacities
  • Dilation-free operation (minimum pupil 2.5 mm)
  • Flexibility of fully automated and fully manual mode
  • All-in-one compact design, no additional PC required

Increased field of view up to 200˚

Thanks to the EIDON Ultra-Widefield Module it is possible to increase the field of view up to 200˚, which helps to detect signs of pathologies that start to appear in the periphery. The Ultra-Widefield module enables a view of the retina from 120° with a single shot, and up to 200° with the Mosaic functionality.

Harnessing the power of confocal imaging

Confocal imaging is a standard in excellent image quality. It is superior to conventional fundus photography as it blocks the back-scattered light of structures from the outside of the retina focal plane and provides enhanced image quality, with increased sharpness, better optical resolution and greater contrast. It preserves image quality even in the case of media opacities, including cataracts and can work with pupils as small as 2.5mm without the need for dilation.



Brochure Brochure
Cleaning instructions Cleaning instructions
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Axis Medical

We are leaders in the industry providing you with the latest medical technology that helps grow your revenue and solidifies the relationship between you and your patients. We have four offices across Canada with local after-sales service and support for you. As well, we have an experienced, dedicated sales staff available to consult with you, ensuring all of your needs are met. We have developed relationships with suppliers from around the world to bring you reliable, high-quality ophthalmic technology, since 1980.


9820 Boulevard Du Golf
Anjou, Québec
H1J 2Y7
1 877 388-1515

111 Adam Street, Unit B
Belleville, Ontario
K8N 5K3
1 800 267-5597

#8 - 7541 Conway Avenue
Burnaby, BC
V5E 2P7
1 888 855-6558

Devices advertised may not have been licensed in accordance with Canadian law.