Axis Medical Canada

West / Ouest: 1 888 855-6558​     Ontario: 1 800 267-5597     East / Est1 877 388-1515

CAO Recommendations

Information for Members on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Canadian Association of Optometrists is committed to supporting its members by providing reliable information to support practices in the wake of concerns related to the spread of Coronavirus (COVID19) across the country. Members are encouraged to monitor the situation in their own cities and towns, and keep apprised of reliable and evidence-based sources of information.

The Public Health Agency of Canada provides regular updates on:

  • Current situation, including the numbers of confirmed cases in Canada;
  • The risk to the Canadian population; and
  • How Canada is monitoring the spread of the virus.

To prepare and protect: How to help your patients, your team and yourself

Front line tips

  • Wash your hands often, before and after providing treatment. Encourage patients to wash their hands often while in the clinic.
  • Place additional signage in and around the clinic to encourage regular handwashing.
  • Maintain social distancing; one-meter distance between you and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth, and face.
  • Cough into your elbow.
  • Ensure that alcohol-based hand sanitizers and/or a handwashing station is available.
  • Ensure that staff wash down equipment frequently – e.g. following patient use.
  • Contact patients in advance of their appointments reminding them not to come into the clinic if they are experiencing symptoms of infection. If they are, reschedule their appointment.
  • Hold regular team meetings with staff to review this information and provide any updates.
  • In instances where you have to be in close proximity to your patient, consider wearing protective gear like masks especially if a patient is exhibiting signs of respiratory infection or has a history of recent travel to a high risk region.

Ensure your team has the information it needs


Recommandations OOQ Recommandations OOQ

Demande d'informations

Obligatoire *

Axis Medical

Axis Médical vous offre une technologie de pointe, vous aidant ainsi à générer des revenus et à solidifier votre relation avec vos clients. Nos équipes multidisciplinaires ont pour but de répondre à vos besoins et vos attentes partout au Canada. Nous avons quatre bureaux répartis sur le territoire, permettant ainsi à nos équipes de vente et à nos techniciens de vous offrir un service sans faille. Constamment à l'écoute de notre clientèle, nous avons su créer avec nos fournisseurs une relation nous permettant de vous offrir des produits correspondant à vos exigences, et ce, depuis 1980.


9820 Boulevard Du Golf
Anjou, Québec
H1J 2Y7
1 877 388-1515

111 Adam Street, Unit B
Belleville, Ontario
K8N 5K3
1 800 267-5597

#8 - 7541 Conway Avenue
Burnaby, BC
V5E 2P7
1 888 855-6558

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