Axis Medical Canada

West / Ouest: 1 888 855-6558​     Ontario: 1 800 267-5597     East / Est1 877 388-1515

Instructions de Nettoyage

Instruments and Equipment

Health Canada adopts Spaulding’s classification system for medical instruments. The method for proper cleaning, disinfection, or sterilization of reusable instruments is based on the potential risk of infection involved in the use of that instrument (Table 2).

Medical instruments and equipment are divided into three classes (see Tables 2 and 3):

  1. Critical- Critical items are instruments or objects that routinely penetrate the skin or mucus membranes into normally sterile areas of the body, or come into contact with recirculating body fluids. If not purchased sterile, these objects must be physically cleaned, rinsed, and sterilized before use. Sterilization can be achieved by heat (autoclave) or by chemical sterilization. Instruments must be packaged to maintain sterility.
  2. Semicritical - These items come in contact with non-intact skin or intact mucous membranes, but do not ordinarily penetrate normally sterile areas of the body. These objects must be physically cleaned, rinsed, and undergo high-level disinfection before use.
  3. Noncritical - These are items that do not ordinarily touch the patient or touch only intact skin. Depending on their use, only physical cleaning and/or low-level disinfection are necessary before reuse.

The majority of ophthalmic equipment would fall into the semi-critical and noncritical categories. Most ophthalmic instruments can, therefore, be sterilized by heat (autoclave) or disinfected by immersion for 10 minutes in one of the following fresh solutions:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide (3%)
  2. A 1/10 dilution (0.5% solution) of common household bleach (sodium hypochlorite).
  3. 70% ethanol or isopropyl alcohol, or alternatively:
  4. A chemical germicide approved and labeled for use as a sterilant/disinfectant, following label instructions

The device should be thoroughly rinsed in tap water and dried before reuse.

Alcohol should not be used to soak tonometer (have we previously defined what this is?) bi-prisms or gonioscopic contact lenses (and this?), since it may damage these lens surfaces over time. Hydrogen peroxide would then be the solution of choice. Alternatively, they may also be disinfected with a 70% alcohol swab, rinsed, and air-dried.


Canon CR-Dgi Canon CR-Dgi
Canon CR1, CR1 Mark II Canon CR1, CR1 Mark II
Canon CR2 (Plus, AF) Canon CR2 (Plus, AF)
DGH Pachmate DGH Pachmate
Essilor APH550 Essilor APH550
Essilor Eye-Ruler 2 Essilor Eye-Ruler 2
Essilor Visioffice 2 Essilor Visioffice 2
Centervue Compass Centervue Compass
Centervue DRS Centervue DRS
Centervue DRSplus Centervue DRSplus
Centervue Eidon (AF) Centervue Eidon (AF)
Centervue Eidon FA Centervue Eidon FA
Centervue Maia Centervue Maia
Huvitz HNT-1(P) Huvitz HNT-1(P)
Huvitz HNT-7000 Huvitz HNT-7000
Huvitz HRK Huvitz HRK
Huvitz HT-5000 Huvitz HT-5000
Medmont Medmont
Optopol OCT Optopol OCT
Reliance Chairs & Stands Reliance Chairs & Stands
NCT / Tonomètre à air - Cleaning / disinfection instructions NCT / Tonomètre à air - Cleaning / disinfection instructions

Demande d'informations

Obligatoire *

Axis Medical

Axis Médical vous offre une technologie de pointe, vous aidant ainsi à générer des revenus et à solidifier votre relation avec vos clients. Nos équipes multidisciplinaires ont pour but de répondre à vos besoins et vos attentes partout au Canada. Nous avons quatre bureaux répartis sur le territoire, permettant ainsi à nos équipes de vente et à nos techniciens de vous offrir un service sans faille. Constamment à l'écoute de notre clientèle, nous avons su créer avec nos fournisseurs une relation nous permettant de vous offrir des produits correspondant à vos exigences, et ce, depuis 1980.


9820 Boulevard Du Golf
Anjou, Québec
H1J 2Y7
1 877 388-1515

111 Adam Street, Unit B
Belleville, Ontario
K8N 5K3
1 800 267-5597

#8 - 7541 Conway Avenue
Burnaby, BC
V5E 2P7
1 888 855-6558

Les produits présentés sur ce site peuvent ne pas avoir été homologués conformément à la législation Canadienne.